In English it refers to CORK SCREW PULL - usually
On the Mystery Queen site this was triggered by an interesting dragonic combo.
The Ghost iz Liberathed in the Sphere where we all Live together as W'all~RuS'ace Does ;-)3 quite interesting things pop up: Cosmic Corkscrew, the Walrus and the OverTone Dragon itself } ~!~ {
let me explain from my center that is as a Cosmic Corkscrew Pulse itself:
a) the CorkScrewP. rule was introduced by me in a Salon EveNing of CHE/NL 16 daya ago … where P stands for PULL but indeed could also be PUSH and/or PULSE and/or PURE~POSE … (and fill in YO-UR-S)
1st think about 2 forces working together in a leveled plain (as People see the Netherlands as a very tight plain while being a DELTA formed by 3 giant rivers).
Those forces can be two people executing “something for the interest of both”; when they aim on the centerpoint … there would occur a stuck situation: nothing will happen but getting a whole lotta energy in the centerpoint.
2nd then think about the 2 forces moving out of the centerpoint and taking opposite position against the center … now a thing is happening according the CorkScrewP.-rule: the spiral (love-form) “hook” goes into the cork … and from some intelligent design at a certain moment -when the hook got in the cork at a crucial effective moment- the cork moves out of the bottle …
3th motive for this equipment driven by 2 forces that give impulse to a 3rd one iz that they wake up the 4th one (fire) and what happens iz that both human/groups/sides get at peace while that bottle became some fluid essence that can facilitates the sphere (the central powerpoint)
iz a great power pet -as every animal in the self-existing quality perspective- in the human linguistical approach … which requires some Magic Motive in the Imagination Comics …
S’ace happened to be acting in a Fools Festival on March 31 which actually was 1st EasterDaya … that Year (SolarSeed). And the song “I AM THE WALRUS” was played and it was sort of affirmed by the very word “WALRUS” by this trick(ster):
can u see that; well of course we see that and this simply is why those walruses are acting as they do (from my station in the noosphere ally )
bivideotex WALRUS => 4 1 12 9 6 8 => 40 (for zero as the 28th daya in kweak iz labelled as just that)
empower “i am the EGGman”
C-pop up from the OverTone Dragon is RADIANT understanding :: BIRTH
The act for the pionear; and as mass awakening momentum getting the center reason for self-existence as self-experience motiv …
In my life this sort of happened by meeting a special KIN 296 – planetary earth at DreamSpell “leg”; also Kin195 – cosmic eagle in LongCount and by combination spelling 192 in kweak : Planetary Human: Wisdom Manifesting itself …
Quite a story which also imploded my brains into 142837 which is linked here (keeping this articlues moderate
BonVoYaGe S’ace, Bolon Ik in IXwave from MM (magnetic moon star)
smile 2 that and thy hat ;-) :-))
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