
Sunday, May 6, 2012

how 13 fractals in triangels

While designing anoother voting system ...
an idea popped up - non-causal - to set up another architecture for time in a moon of 28 daya

this i labelled kweak ...
which also is sort of spelled; spiced in language

in the figure D is actually tzolkin tone 10 - planetary tone according man as Jose Arguelles,
who according my radar initiated a lot of envowings from the mayan femi~nine calendar ...

the figurer shows how 13-11 work with 1 to 9 ...
while 1 to 9 is an individual path ...
the collective 13 12 11 sharpen/guide the bond between all relations alive ... ( and dead too )

the essences founded by José got other vibrations here
can you reader contemplate them on your astral body ???

neureebah! S'ace

1 comment:

  1. ~O)*(O~ .. al'O'ha nice to begin my prac'ti'cal
    exper'i'ence with'in UR gui'DANCE! i am willinG
    to move into kosmic kweak 'FREE'DOME'!

    thanx UR t'best friend NOW/A'gain . .
