is a proposal for a new entity pinpointing to a gesture people can practice.
here the decoding table how they relate to the kweak, the 9 daya a week revelation ...
here the decoding table how they relate to the kweak, the 9 daya a week revelation ...
X biovoid
Iiiiii kalikiiiii
Eèèèh daliMèèèhr
Oóóóh siliOóóóhm
Uuuuh seliNuuuh
Aaaah limiMáááh
mmmm gammmmáyá
ssssss alphaoenisssss
Iiiiii kalikiiiii
Eèèèh daliMèèèhr
Oóóóh siliOóóóhm
Uuuuh seliNuuuh
Aaaah limiMáááh
mmmm gammmmáyá
ssssss alphaoenisssss
kweak links this set of mantras to chakra regions
resp. 0 7 5 3 2 4 6 1
kweak facilitates a ninth and a tenth mantra too ...
9 siliaum
10 kamuthy
~O)*8*(O~..thanx for UR post'URe assist'Dance w/
ReplyDeletemove'ment n' mantra chants...i have awaited the
'free'Dome and TrusT UR iniTia'Tion To BeG'IN'!