
Thursday, December 8, 2011


is a proposal for a new entity pinpointing to a gesture people can practice.

here the decoding table how they relate to the kweak, the 9 daya a week revelation ...

X biovoid
Iiiiii kalikiiiii
Eèèèh daliMèèèhr
Oóóóh siliOóóóhm
Uuuuh seliNuuuh
Aaaah limiMáááh
mmmm gammmmáyá
ssssss alphaoenisssss
kweak links this set of mantras to chakra regions
resp. 0 7 5 3 2 4 6 1

kweak facilitates a ninth and a tenth mantra too ...
9 siliaum
10 kamuthy

1 comment:

  1. ~O)*8*(O~..thanx for UR post'URe assist'Dance w/
    move'ment n' mantra chants...i have awaited the
    'free'Dome and TrusT UR iniTia'Tion To BeG'IN'!
